Then I looked on my iPad:

Inspiration, inspiration, inspiration - I just love to be inspired! These three books are great, and if you need a little inspiration or 'A Kick in the Attitude' well here it is:
God Never Blinks
50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours
by Regina Brett
A Kick in the Attitude
15 Lessons for Professional Growth and Personal Renewal
by Sam Glenn
A Place of Yes
10 Rules for Getting Everything You Want Out of Life
by Bethenny Frankel
There are lots of lessons and rules in the above, 75 to be exact, but if you take just one away, who knows what can happen! Here are are few insights from 'A Kick in the Attitude':
Our attitude should always be a top priority because our attitude is the energy source and front line we use when we go at life, interact with others and face obstacles.
The world, your parents, your boss - nobody owes you a thing. You were born with your own set of wings. If you are not using your own wings, there is no one else to blame. You have to take responsibility for your life, because if you don't, who will?
If something goes wrong or things get tough, accept it, live, learn and climb on.
And finally a few wise words from Thomas Edison, If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.
Let's start astounding ourselves already!