My Dad plays a huge part in giving me the outlook on life that I have today. Here we are in Okinawa, Japan:

My Dad taught me how to 'do it up' in life by going above and beyond, giving 110 percent. My Dad can fix anything, seriously! Here we are working on 'Wild Willy':
I was not allowed to leave the dinner table until I ate all of my vegetables. Dad would eat my vegetables for me when no one was looking ; ) Life is a beach:
I'm proud my Dad has run the Marine Corps Marathon twice, and he is signed up to run it again this year. I hope to run a marathon in my lifetime too, just like my Dad! Here we are after a cross-country meet:

My Dad can dance up a storm! He absolutely did so at my wedding. Here we are heading down the aisle before the reception dancing ensued:

Happy, happy day to you, Dad - Today, tomorrow and always. I love you!