It was really funny because when speeches and gifts were given at their rehearsal dinner, Nick brought up the fact that I coordinated the coordinators for my wedding!

I was very set on exactly what I wanted our procession to be. Our procession was not one that had been done at our church before, and the coordinators were a bit wary to stray from what was standard... I will say, the coordinators loved our procession when all was said and done - they were so excited by it! I have an inkling it will be done at our church again.

In any event, I said YES! I was so excited to do this for Nick and Jen, and I truly knew I wouldn't let them down. I can't help it, I'm a perfectionist and a born planner (Thanks, Mom!). Jen and I exchanged many emails, we went to the gardens in advance to plan and map everything out, and I kept a clipboard with all of my notes and timeline.
Hank had to listen to me rehearse for the rehearsal around the house... It was all so very entertaining, and I had so much fun doing this! I took it very seriously, and it turned out wonderfully, I could not have asked for a better group to work with (including Hank!):

The gorgeous and head over heels happy bride & groom:
Believing in yourself never goes of style.