Monday, August 8, 2011

We are in charge of our own happiness.

Life is awesome, but life is hard sometimes too. "You never see the hard days in a photo album, but those are the days that get you from one happy snapshot to the next."

Each one of us has our own set of mishaps and dilemmas that come our way. Often times we share similar problems that stem from money, careers, family, love, the law, health and the likes. No one is given an exempt pass from any of these, but that's okay.

While we share similar problems, we are each on our own journey to take care of them in order to find happiness and peace with ourselves. A problem truly is only a speed bump. It's very temporary in the broad spectrum of life. It's something that can be overcome one way or another. Everyone deserves to be happy, and we are in charge of our own happiness.

No one can fix our problems for us. It's up to us to know what we want, how we feel, what will make us most happy and take it from there. Life is too short to be anything but happy.

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Since we are in charge of our own happiness, just two things...

I believe in being forgiving and sometimes you really should just let things go. There is no point in worrying or dwelling, just move forward and you will be happier because of it.

I learned a long time ago to say 'see ya' to the naysayers. There are people out there that are just plain negative. They always have been, and they always will be. I had a wise entrepreneurship professor spend a class lecturing on these people. They don't want to see others succeed. Be kind to these people, but keep your distance. There is no room for them in your life, especially when you are searching for that everyday happiness.

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With all of this being said, there are times when something is bothering me (c'est la vie*), and I can luckily pinpoint exactly what it is. I'm huge on communication, so I'll deal with it right away. I don't like things to fester. I feel much better when everything is off my chest!

There are occasionally times when I can't pinpoint exactly what it is that is bothering me. Our grocery and to-dos need a bit of organization with lists, and honestly, sometimes we do too. If I can't pinpoint what is bothering me, I like to make a list of everything that it could possibly be. Once this list is complete, it's time to take it from the top! I ask myself if each item is really worth worrying about, and if not, I cross it off. Some things are out of our control or are just silly thoughts with no backing... We're trying to get to the root of it all.

I find that I can talk myself through most things and cross them off too, but there will be one thing (or maybe a few in any case) that remains. For me, it's the one thing that I feel a strong, certain way towards. I pinpointed it, so I circle it, and I deal with it. Maybe one thing doesn't present itself, but a theme presented itself, and that can be helpful and dealt with too.

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I think carrying problems with you is what weighs you down. You should talk about them, and you should deal with them no matter how small or grandiose in scale. You'll feel much better, always. The sooner you deal with what is bothering you, the sooner you can move on. Remember, life is too short to be anything but happy.

We are in charge of our own happiness. So be happy!!

*C'est la vie = Such is life.