A foot long chili cheese dog with onion rings and... A Diet Cherry Lemon Sundrop! I'm pretty sure it's my favorite soda pop, and it's certainly a treat when I get to have one (they're a rarity). After a trip down memory lane, cruising around town and to the houses where I grew up, we headed to antique land. This isn't what it's really called, but it's what it is. It's antiques that go on for acres and buildings chocked full of treasures:
Everyone is sure to find something as there's an abundance of, well, everything. You really have to dig to be successful, and you could be there for hours upon hours - We were certainly there for awhile. Each of us found something fun! After a busy day, we went out on an evening boat ride. This was Bentley's first time on a boat, and it was too cute:
Thankfully the hurricane stayed away from ruining a beautiful evening on the water : )