This is perfect timing, because I was just at the lake with Bentley over the weekend, and we had to borrow a life jacket for him from the neighbors. I was thinking how we need to get him one, and now he'll have a very cool life jacket of his own. Here's our entry:
Me: Come sail away with us... My husband and I were recently married in April, and we have a passion for the lake - everything is cooler by the lake to us! We recently added an English Bulldog named Bentley to our family. He is one cool dude! We find ourselves at the lake very often, and now we have Bentley to join us on fun times at the lake with family and friends. The thing is... English Bulldogs can't swim!! In enters the all too amazing float coat. This would be absolutely perfect for Bentley, it's just what he needs. Bentley loves to drink water, take baths and naturally loves the lake too! Yet he can't fully enjoy it without putting safety first, and this float coat would do the trick. This way Bentley could be safely walked near the water, and most importantly, be captain of the ship by cruising on the boat... I can see it already!! Ahoy Captain Bentley, all aboard, ruff, ruff! This float coat would make our lives so much easier, safer and most of all more fun. It's all about finding ways to spend the most time with your pet, and this would certainly allow us to do even more with our bulldog Bentley. We love him, and he would love a float coat. Safety first & Fun second!! Anchors away!
Me: Here's Bentley by land... He's ready to be Bentley by sea! He would so enjoy the Ruff Wear Portage Float Coat. Especially while being & boating at the lake this fall as mentioned in my entry, mate!
Phydeaux: All right! After much hemming and hawing, discussion and debating, we've got a winner! It was a tough decision... So, the consensus among Phydeaux staff is the winner is: Andrea's English Bulldog, Bentley! Andrea, please either stop by or call whichever store is closest to you and arrange to pick up Bentley's new Portage Float Coat from Ruff Wear!
Me: Wow!! Doggone it - This made our day!! Thank you so, so very much Phydeaux & Ruff Wear! Bentley is very excited, you have no idea : ) We'll be by this week!!
This truly did make my day.