Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Lucky Score
How did we commemorate our special day outside of the traditional photo album and Christmas ornament? A custom Erin Condren 'Tray Magnifique' lucite tray:

That's the front and back of the tray complete with our favorite quote. We used this quote on the back of our wedding programs, and it is also inscribed inside Hank's wedding band. This tray has our wedding date, and our names will be on the back as well.
It's a lucky score, because I had enough coupon codes & a deal to receive $100 off... Whew!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
A Favorites Kind of Weekend
This weekend I enjoyed some of my favorite things. Hank was busy with the guys, so I headed to the lake to spend time with my parents and grandparents. We headed back to where I grew up, and I ate one of my favorite meals at What-A-Burger:

A foot long chili cheese dog with onion rings and... A Diet Cherry Lemon Sundrop! I'm pretty sure it's my favorite soda pop, and it's certainly a treat when I get to have one (they're a rarity). After a trip down memory lane, cruising around town and to the houses where I grew up, we headed to antique land. This isn't what it's really called, but it's what it is. It's antiques that go on for acres and buildings chocked full of treasures:
Everyone is sure to find something as there's an abundance of, well, everything. You really have to dig to be successful, and you could be there for hours upon hours - We were certainly there for awhile. Each of us found something fun! After a busy day, we went out on an evening boat ride. This was Bentley's first time on a boat, and it was too cute:
Thankfully the hurricane stayed away from ruining a beautiful evening on the water : )
Monday, August 29, 2011
Bentley & A Float Coat
Bentley won something today!! I entered him in a contest my favorite pet store was having on Facebook and hooray, he won! This contest was for a Ruff Wear Portage Float Coat which is a 'recreational canine life jacket'.

This is perfect timing, because I was just at the lake with Bentley over the weekend, and we had to borrow a life jacket for him from the neighbors. I was thinking how we need to get him one, and now he'll have a very cool life jacket of his own. Here's our entry:
Me: Come sail away with us... My husband and I were recently married in April, and we have a passion for the lake - everything is cooler by the lake to us! We recently added an English Bulldog named Bentley to our family. He is one cool dude! We find ourselves at the lake very often, and now we have Bentley to join us on fun times at the lake with family and friends. The thing is... English Bulldogs can't swim!! In enters the all too amazing float coat. This would be absolutely perfect for Bentley, it's just what he needs. Bentley loves to drink water, take baths and naturally loves the lake too! Yet he can't fully enjoy it without putting safety first, and this float coat would do the trick. This way Bentley could be safely walked near the water, and most importantly, be captain of the ship by cruising on the boat... I can see it already!! Ahoy Captain Bentley, all aboard, ruff, ruff! This float coat would make our lives so much easier, safer and most of all more fun. It's all about finding ways to spend the most time with your pet, and this would certainly allow us to do even more with our bulldog Bentley. We love him, and he would love a float coat. Safety first & Fun second!! Anchors away!
Me: Here's Bentley by land... He's ready to be Bentley by sea! He would so enjoy the Ruff Wear Portage Float Coat. Especially while being & boating at the lake this fall as mentioned in my entry, mate!
Phydeaux: All right! After much hemming and hawing, discussion and debating, we've got a winner! It was a tough decision... So, the consensus among Phydeaux staff is the winner is: Andrea's English Bulldog, Bentley! Andrea, please either stop by or call whichever store is closest to you and arrange to pick up Bentley's new Portage Float Coat from Ruff Wear!
Me: Wow!! Doggone it - This made our day!! Thank you so, so very much Phydeaux & Ruff Wear! Bentley is very excited, you have no idea : ) We'll be by this week!!
This truly did make my day.
Friday, August 26, 2011
One BIG Happy
Today was a very, very successful day... I just landed my #1 client.

My coworkers are quite nice... "You are a true superstar. Congratulations on your big success and a great payoff to years of hard work!" "Perseverance works every time. Congratulations!" "Congratulations, Andrea! You rock!" "#winning"
... Amazing kick-off to the weekend ahead. Go forth and persevere.
Pier One Delights
I always forget about Pier 1 Imports, and they always have some really nice pieces:

I'm liking their neutral napkins, and I love those colorful & absorbent coasters.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Puppy Love
Last night marked the second to last night of Puppy Kindergarten. Here are my two guys:
This week's homework is a 'Socialization Scavenger Hunt'. We'll head around town to take pictures of Bentley at seven different locations, the goal being for him to meet many different people. Some examples of places are campus, downtown, an outdoor cafe, sporting event and a shopping trip. We also got a heads up on the many different contests that will take place at Puppy Kindergarten next week - Maybe Bentley will win one of the prizes!!
I took a nod from Kat's bookcases, and I decided to revamp mine a bit. My bookshelf was much too jam packed as you will see here. It was in need of some breathing room.
I use to keep the door to this room almost closed, because I could not stand looking at the bookshelf - Now I enjoy walking by. I put a few books on a shelf, then I would finish the shelf with a picture frame, statue, platter, books stacked horizontally or a book on display. I think this is the art to effective shelfscaping, because it looks so much better now. Try it!!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
He's a weed.
I just posted a week ago here that Bentley weighed 20.6 pounds. Today...

25.8!! This copilot is growing like a weed. We were off to the vet this morning for some finally final puppy shots. Bentley loves car rides. He gets so pumped when it's time to go somewhere - Then he'll just lay in his crate or sit on your lap like a good boy should.
I like your style, Bentley, just enjoy the ride.
Lucky Score
There are some awesome coupons that come in the mail. We received one the other day from Kohl's for $10 off everything. I took this opportunity to walk into the store, pick out something cute and walk out with it having been absolutely free.
In enters bamboo pig cutting board. This was on sale for $8.99, and it came to $9.60 with tax. Thus making it absolutely free. I love it. I wont be using it as a cutting board but as a cheese board or a place to serve appetizers from. This would have been perfect to have at my NC Dinner Night. Now I'm ready... Thank you, Kohl's.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Internship : )
My internship opportunity just posted on Twitter, and my two past interns retweeted it and added: "One of the best jobs I've ever had!" & "Great Opportunity!" That makes me smile.
Friday, August 19, 2011
One BIG Happy
There are many students currently moving into colleges across the country. The freshmen have no idea how lucky they are. They are about to embark on some of the best years of their life. As I walk around campus, I can absolutely feel the excitement in the air. There's the nervousness of new experiences, first hints of independence and eagerness to see what this whole college thing will bring. That's me packed and ready to head to Carolina in 2004:
My Move-In: Luckily my dorm room was on the second floor, right next to the stairwell, so move-in was fairly easy as there was no battling of the elevators for me.
(Aside: It was later discovered that Hank lived six floors directly above me!)
My roommate, Kristyn, was a friend from high school. After moving most items in, my parents, Kristyn and I headed to Franklin Street for McAlister's Deli. I distinctly remember drinking a big sweet tea from there, move-in was just that hot. We stopped by a campus landmark, the Old Well, for a first roommate photo opportunity:
What I remember most about move-in day was when it came time for my parents to say goodbye. I'm an only child, and it was hard - It's hard for a lot of families. We held it together pretty well at first. My parents gifted to me a beautiful ring with a Carolina blue stone. I still wear it today! My Dad had the first tear, and that's what really got me, so I just lost it. Then my mom had tears as well, so they just scooted on out of there.

What I remember most about move-in day was when it came time for my parents to say goodbye. I'm an only child, and it was hard - It's hard for a lot of families. We held it together pretty well at first. My parents gifted to me a beautiful ring with a Carolina blue stone. I still wear it today! My Dad had the first tear, and that's what really got me, so I just lost it. Then my mom had tears as well, so they just scooted on out of there.
At that point as a parent, I imagine you can only hope that all you have taught your child throughout the last 18 years will really resonate during the next four years. After a couple of deep breaths, laughs with my roommate at how I was a hot mess, and I'm sure a few phone calls to my parents, it just set in that it's now time to do what I came to Carolina to do. You're there, at college, to figure it all out. This starts with the decorating of the dorm room:
Once I arrived to my dorm room, Kristyn was already set-up. She gave me the bottom bunk, which I still think was way too nice. It worked out perfectly, because I brought a dust ruffle to college! Hank still thinks that's so funny.

Once I arrived to my dorm room, Kristyn was already set-up. She gave me the bottom bunk, which I still think was way too nice. It worked out perfectly, because I brought a dust ruffle to college! Hank still thinks that's so funny.
You will find the infamous blue hand chair amongst the decorations below:
College truly is about figuring it all out. It's about figuring out where to put the blue hand chair, and it's about figuring out who you're going to become - all on your own. Maybe you graduate from college and you still aren't sure what you are meant to do in life, but that's okay. What you do figure out is who you are and what you're passionate about, and that's a lot to have learned. The rest will come... It always does.
Chirba Chirba Dumpling
Oh my gosh! Last night Hank and I finally made it to Chirba Chirba.
There's a food truck craze sweeping the country, and it's insane in our little part of the world. We went to a Food Truck Rodeo last Sunday where seventeen food trucks were in attendance. Sounds fun right? To bounce about from truck to truck... Well, the wait time was an hour and a half to two and a half hours per truck! So sadly, we left the rodeo but still had fun meeting up at a restaurant down the street with friends.
Okay... Back to last night. This is my oh my gosh even though we just waited for an hour and 45 minutes we're finally eating Chirba Chirba expression. We made it to order this time & without any food outages. Hooray!!
The only reason this long line was fun is because this food truck was partnered up with a wine shop, so we sipped & chatted our way to the front of the line. Here's Hank gathering our sauces for our snacks, and unfortunately, I don't say snacks lightly.
While the dumplings were delicious, especially the Juicy Buns, we were still so hungry. The portions were appetizer size. My favorite ism from Hank, "That was just enough [food] to make me mad..." I agree! Although, we'll give it to them on their snacks being good lookin':
So... We stopped by Burger King, seriously, for a burger and fries for Hank and onion rings for me. In any event, my favorite food truck experiences so far were with Only Burger and Pie Pushers (Pizza!). For both of these trucks, I got to walk right up to order, and the portion sizes were up to par.
In regards to the lines, the best advice I've heard came from Only Burger:
"Last night's Rodeo was pretty wild & crazy. All the trucks appreciate the amazing support. I'm afraid we didn't quite expect the amount of support we would receive. We expected a crowd, but nothing like what happened yesterday. We will certainly think bigger next time. The best time to get great food from a great food truck is on a regular old business day when the weathers bad!! See you all on the road!"
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I had a fun morning touring the new part of Kenan Stadium. It's the Blue Zone. It's one heck of a zone - It's perfect. There's even two party decks in addition to suites & awesome seats.
That's me and Emily hard hatting around. I can't wait to be at a football game this fall where the field is finally surrounded by 360 degrees of seats and fans. Now that's football.
Rameses Rockin' Ray-Bans
I'm obsessed with the image on this year's senior class shirt. Cool dude!
I'll be a senior in the real world in 2012, so I feel it's okay for me to wear this too : )
Wonderful Wedding
I previously mentioned our dear friends Nick and Jen in a post about me being their wedding coordinator here. Jen sent me the link to their wedding pictures last night. Here are some fun photos showing how Hank and I enjoyed their special day.
This is the guest book table I set up at the entrance of the ceremony site:

Here's handsom Hank as a groomsman escorting a lovely bridesmaid:
They're married!! I'm being happy for them over there on the left:
Say hello to the bridal party! I love these types of photos - So entertainingly sweet.
Jen looks beautiful. I'm photographing them as they take their first dance.
I like this one of Hank and I just chatting it up at our table.
Here we are dancing:
So glad we got the picture below of the four of us - It's easy to get carried away.
Laughing it up - Their reception was definitely a great time.
This is my favorite photo - I died laughing when I saw it last night... Hank's expression!!
Weddings are always an absolute blast. I love everything about them.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Catching up with Bentley
Here we are at the vet this morning. Bentley is 14 weeks old, and he weighs 20.9 lbs.
I was so pumped to hear that after the round of vaccines Bentley received this morning, he is now ready to go out into the world - puppy parks, pet stores, restaurants, you name it! My mind is already turning in regards to where we could go this weekend.
Did you know?
"A puppy should meet 100 people, at least 20 of them children, before the pup is 12 weeks of age. The puppy should meet both men and women, all races, ages, wearing hats, glasses, carrying bags, backpacks, walking with crutches, etc."
This helps with puppy socialization. I think the perfect place to bring a pup to achieve this would be on campus during move-in weekend. Socialize that pup!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Olive Outfits
Saturday I was off to one of my favorite places, the flea market, with some girlfriends. We were in search of treasures. My treasure hunting outfit consisted of an easy dress, tenny pumps and a swingpack. The swingpack is essential when treasure hunting, because it leaves you handsfree. Bentley loved my shoelaces most.
My find of the day were six of these awesome brass napkin rings:
Sometimes one man's junk is another man's junk, but sometimes it truly is a treasure.
Where have all the crayons gone?
I was waiting around the hostess stand at a restaurant on Friday night, and I noticed there were no crayons for the kiddos. Instead of crayons, this restaurant had Wikki Stix. I had to see what these were all about so I grabbed a pack and created Hank and I:
While cute, Wikki Stix are no substitute for crayons. We went to a restaurant on Sunday night, and I saw the Stix there too. Will the children of our generation not know the excitement of restaurant crayons for doodling on kid's menus and paper tablecloths?
These times, they're a changin'.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Good Boy, Gabe!
I have high expectations for Bentley:
Maybe I will find a skateboard at the flea market this weekend?
Thank you for introducing me to Gabe, Christie!!
Free Fiesta Friday
I had my free lunch for ten at Chipotle Mexican Grill today, and it was tasty. Chipotle did it up, and they were super generous with the best part... Guacamole! It was the perfect way to celebrate Friday and take advantage of my last day of amazing summer parking at work.
Thanks to Emily, Diana, Hank♥, Kat, Meg, Laura, Harry, Steve and Lindsey for joining me!
One BIG Happy
What are you going to do after you graduate? I'm going to Disney World!

Hank and I headed down to Florida with my family after graduation. We spent time at Disney and SeaWorld. I had the best time paddling around on this pink flamingo paddle boat with Hank at SeaWorld. I went crazy when I saw them, and I still want one for the lake.
I'm not always able to find time to read every book for book club, but I love book club. One of my favorite aspects of book club, or life in general, is being welcomed into someone else's home. The book club that I am a part of, Get Lit, meets at a different home each month. I love the idea of Southern hospitality and seeing how each member hosts & decorates - Everyone has their own style.

A home should be a happy place, and Kat has done a great job making this for her and her fiance. We met at Kat's home this month! I love her bookshelves (above) being packed with such lovely pieces - doodads from travel, favorite books, passions and pictures. It tells their story. A home should tell your story, and it should be built to be the place you are most happy in. No matter where Hank and I travel, we are always happy to come back home. There really is no place like it to us.
"A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams."
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Puppy Kindergarten - Take Two
This class was a blast. Bentley learned how to do puppy push-ups! I've never heard of puppy push-ups prior to this week. A puppy push-up is when your dog sits, lays, sits, lays, etc. in fast succession one after the other. Here's Bentley on the down:
We learned that for the last class there will be a 'Puppy Push-up Contest'. The winning pup gets a prize! Bentley and I practiced this morning, and he can do 12 puppy push-ups. I think he's got more in him ; ) It's definitely fun to practice, and it's a great exercise for pooches.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Family Tradition
Heading to the lake this weekend was exactly what I needed - It's always relaxing & fun. I love going to the lake for the Fourth of July and for this particular weekend too...
We were brainstorming a side dish to make, that always goes over well, and it's hands down deviled eggs. I love a good Southern delicacy. Mom was the creative genius, Hank and Dad were the egg peelers, and I was the smoked paprika sprinkler (I was busy making more bikini cookies!). Hank piped in the filling, and Mom added the olives to finish the look. I love how delectable our deviled eggs turned out with just a little extra tender, love and care:
I love this particular weekend at the lake, because it's all about a family tradition. An amazing Grandfather passed away in March of 2009.
Every year since, his family comes together from all destinations, to put on one amazing 'Memorial Pig Pickin' in his honor. In its third year it continues to be just perfect, with over 100 sweet people in attendance - So incredibly loved!!
This year cute koozies were made in all colors. Hank picked camouflage, and I picked hot pink & lime green - I couldn't commit to just one color, I loved both together.
The Wilson's certainly do know how to party! Each year we dance into the night whether to a DJ or karaoke. Here we are on the lawn with our koozies:
All of the children and grandchildren (above) cook, chop & serve the homemade barbecue. Everyone else (that's us!) brings on the side dishes.
And that doesn't even include dessert!
By the way, that hushpuppy was homemade right before my eyes... I wish I would have grabbed another one, it was delicious ; )
In any event... I thought Hank looked so cute here, chillin' on the dock after dinner:
I love this weekend each year, and I'm already looking forward to it next year.
P.S. We made 72 deviled eggs, and they were gone in a hot second. Successful side!
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