Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Use No YOU

One thing I remember from middle school is an activity we did on arguing. It's something I remember today - It really, really stuck with me. We were each paired with a partner, and we had to argue with one another. The one word we could not use is YOU. There were monitors coming around to listen. If you said YOU, the pair had to take a seat. The last pair standing won. Teams dropped like flies. It is something that is difficult to do, but once you learn to do it, you'll learn it gets your point across much more effectively.

"You are so annoying. You never do anything right. I just don't understand why you don't get it."

All the person you are arguing with is hearing is you, you, you. Any point you are trying to make is lost. Isn't the whole point to resolve the problem? It's not going to be resolved if the person doesn't even know what you are truly upset by. Arguing in general is not effective, but arguing with the word YOU as your ammunition will not resolve any situation.

"When people treat me like that I find it's really annoying. It makes me feel like nothing is done right. It makes sense to me, and I just want it to be understood by all.

See how much more effective this is? You're concentrating on what's upsetting you instead of using the word YOU. Let's reserve you for for the good things in life... You're awesome & I love you. Think about using no YOU the next time you are confronting someone with what you're upset by.

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