Spring means Easter candy. These little fat pills are little fat devils... Reese's Pieces Pastel Eggs. I cannot wait until they are gone so they don't have to be eaten anymore, because they are just too addicting!!

One of my best friends came to town this weekend, and we went downtown to the Rockford for lunch (my fave). We saw this on our walk to the restaurant. Someone had a wild Friday night.

Then it was off to the Raleigh Flea Market - our first time. It was a beautiful Saturday, and the flea market was packed. We LOVED it. We had a blast treasure hunting, and we browse equally as long, so I learned that we are a perfect treasure hunting pair. I bought this vintage license plate:

Then we went to Topo for dinner/to watch the very sad UNC v. Dook game with Hanker & another fun friend from college! Here is my bestie with her Topo sampler:

I loved a Sunday in the '60s. Hank & I went to play with his family's puppy, Annie. She loves sticks (as you can see).

I was so happy to remember the Oscars were on, because I have missed all other award shows this year. My favorite dresses were worn by SJP & Sandy.

I had a fabulous weekend (even though we lost).
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