i can't believe we have been dating for 5 years today.
5 years. really?
time flies.
the reason for this post is to celebrate you on our big loveiversary.
so, happy we’re together!
you are:
1. my love.
2. the best boyfriend in the world.
3. so completely silly sometimes, it's infectious.
4. the most wonderful carolina guy.
5. always willing to give the perfect advice.
6. an amazing cuddler.
7. always supportive of your family and mine.
8. well-rounded: creative, smart, fun, sporty, culinary artist, traveler.
9. positive personality.
10. always loving towards me.
11. very good at being good-looking.
12. my human calculator.
13. willing to try anything... food, scuba, anything.
14. loved by so many.
15. great at making me smile
16. great at making me smile...even if i’m trying hard not too.
17. successful at almost all you do.
18. kind-hearted to others.
19. good at giving exceptional back massages.
20. willing to let me be the crafty & eclectic person i am.
21. not materialistic.
22. an excellent driver: manual, good parallel parker. i'm impressed.
23. best friend.
24. extremely diligent about getting the most out of life.
25. so lucky to have such a cute girlfriend. :)
5 years together, and I could not be happier. I am so in love with you, and so proud of you, every single day. There is nothing better in this world than when five years later I still look at you mid conversation and I think to myself,
“God, I really, really love this guy!”
Love, Andrea
According to the Times of London, a dating site created a list of the world’s top 100 billionaires and analyzed the tresses of the rich guy’s wives and girlfriends. The results? 62% of billionaires had married women with brown hair.
Yep. Brunettes rule.
"Whenever I feel annoyed about possibly getting sick or being sick I think of my cousin Slava who can’t remember the last time he felt remotely healthy.
Whenever I don’t want to eat anything in my fridge and whine about it I think of the kids from the orphanage my mum housed that ate so much their first night at our house they made themselves sick.
Whenever I wish I had a nicer mattress I think of that scene in the Blind Side when Michael says “I’ve never had one of these before” and Leigh Anne says “What a room to yourself?” and he replies “No. A bed.”
Whenever I think I don’t have anything to wear I think about the girl we sponsor in India who received her first “nice” dress this February for her birthday.
Whenever I think that there is too much hurt in this world I think of Martin Luther King or all the outpouring of love and money that we witnessed just a month ago in Haiti.
Whenever I wish we had more money I think about that family on the episode of True Life who had to recycle plastic bottles to scrape enough money to drive to the grocery store where they couldn’t really afford anything either.
Whenever I wish that I got to travel more I think about those kids at the day care I interned at that will probably never see the ocean or the Statue of Liberty.
Whenever I feel sorry for myself I think about the fact that I am blessed with spending the rest of my life with my best friend.
And that is more than enough for me."
On this St. Patty's day, I remind myself that I am exceptionally lucky.