1. How far along are you? 26 Weeks
2. What fruit/veggie is your baby? Hothouse (?) cucumber
3. Symptoms: I've noticed a light black line running from my belly button down (due to an increase in hormones) - apparently that's a thing - linea nigra.
4. Total weight gain/loss: Went to the doctor today, and it's always the news they greet you with - 12 pounds.

5. Sleep: Ah-mazing. Living it up (or sleeping it up!) while I can.
6. Cravings: Avocados, guacamole, all the time.
7. Aversions: Some fish, fresh green beans and sweet potatoes - the things that are good for me of course.

8. Best Moment of the Week: So many things! Deciding on the name (almost two weeks ago, really)... Leighton Hope (!!!). Hank can feel the kicks. Deciding we are good to not move right now and being so happy in that decision (sometimes just be; and kick back, soaking in the season you are in). Clearing out our front room where the nursery will be. Booking a sweet cleaning lady that's coming tomorrow to make this place squeaky clean. Picking a nursery paint color - Behr's toasty gray. Hank finishing up repainting the rockin' boat (and last coat to a cute table on the way). Knocking things off the nursery to-do list left and right really, and it feels so good.
9. Gender: Girl.
10. Belly Button In or Out? In.
11. What I Miss: Margaritas. Queso. And Jimmy John's #10 Hunter's Club (add onion) with a pickle quartered and jalapeno chips.
12. What I am Looking Forward to: We're getting all the pieces of the nursery together - dresser ordered and on the way, gold knobs ordered, feet for the ottoman arrive in May, etc. Getting all those arrivals and actually starting to assemble the nursery - the vision coming together, and I can't wait to share.
13. Milestones: Picking a name, and being more than halfway there! Time seriously flies. It's no joke.
14. Exercise: Oh, no. I fell back out again. Must get back into it. It's riding my bike with a basket season so I need to get on that. And our pool opens in a month so that too.

15. Maternity clothes: Yes! One of my best friends Kathleen let me borrow a few faves.