Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Pregnancy Survey: 20 Weeks

1. How far along are you? 20 Weeks

2. What fruit/veggie is your baby? Small Cantaloupe

3. Symptoms: My feet hurt at the end of the day so much. I use a stand-up desk at work (which I love and recommend to anyone!), but I'm not sure how much longer that will last.

4. Total weight gain/loss: Nine+ pounds? I only check the scale at doctor's appointments so we'll know next week.

5. Sleep: I continue to sleep great. I haven't been using my Snoogle because it makes my ear hurt (I have no clue), but I catch myself when I flip to my back and readjust to side sleep away.

6. Cravings: Snacks. Any kind of snack to snack on here, there, everywhere.

7. Aversions: Vegetables. I'm continuing to try!

8. Best Moment of the Week: Kicks! I can feel tiny kicks. They're not what I was thinking they would be (all out sucker punches), but they're happy little flutters here and there.

9. Gender: Girl.

10. Belly Button In or Out? In.

11. What I Miss: Margaritas on a pretty day.

12. What I am Looking Forward to: Deciding on a name with Hank (yep, still deciding!).

13. Milestones: Seeing a little bumpity bump.

14. Exercise: Yes!! Yes to this one. I've started back at Pure Barre and have two classes under my belt. I take it easy, and my goal is to do 20 classes this month.

15. Maternity clothes: Still LOVING my Dylans (inexpensive leggings by Mud Pie). I'm trying to hold out on buying any winter-type maternity clothes. I think this is totally doable. Then I'll definitely have some fun finding flow-y dresses for spring and summer that I'll also be able to where post preggers (which works great since boho is my style of choice).

Photo note: How fun is this!? I told Hank #BabySaye was on the way Budsies style. I turned my favorite little kid drawing Hank did into a stuffed animal. It was in my closet for months at the ready. Their work is seriously amazing, and it was worth the wait it was such a hit. They even painted his nails!!