I had the best day carrying the
RDU Baton back in April. RDU Baton is a collaborative photo project to show the world (and to remind ourselves) how amazing life in the Research Triangle is, through Instagram. Here is a look back on my day.
Good morning, Triangle neighbors! I just love y'all. Thanks for being a huge reason behind why this area is so great. I'm Andrea, and I graduated from UNC in 2008. I've been living and loving life in this area ever since. I start each morning with a 20-minute commute from Cary to Chapel Hill. I drive through four counties - Wake, Chatham, Durham and Orange. It's that through a tunnel of trees, windows down, music up, backroads pretty kind of drive. I pass this delightful, historic chapel each day. It was founded in 1794 and lies a few miles south of Durham. So excited for this day! Let's do this.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it can certainly be one of the tastiest - especially when it involves Jessee's in Carrboro. I could eat Mexican everyday, for every meal, so why not start with it in the a.m. Jessee's breakfast burrito is the bee's knees. It has avocado and then you go on and add the chorizo (from Cliff's Meat Market right down the street), and you can just stop. right. there. Nope! Keeping going... Their milky way mocha is out of this universe (see what I did there). I highly recommend adding Jessee's Coffee & Bar to your list of places to try. Heigh-ho! It's off to work I go.
I make a living out of loving Carolina. I started working at UNC after graduation, and I enjoy everything about marketing away in a college town. That's what's great about this area, from Chapel Hill to Durham to Raleigh, the college town atmosphere is all around us. We're surrounded by bright minds, entrepreneurial spirits, trendsetters, happening events, cutting-edge research, and we're rarely dry for a good game to catch.
Oh, bless the South. There is no lunch love like the one I have for Merritt's Store & Grill in Chapel Hill. Their single BLT with homemade pimento cheese has my culinary heart. When we're talking birthday meals, I'm all Merritt's Store for lunch and either Angus Barn, Daniel's, Dos Taquitos or Lantern for dinner. How amazing is it that we have enough innovative and delicious restaurants in this area to have a multi-page list of places we want to try, and as soon as we think we are about to make it through 'the list,' another restaurant or great food truck is on the horizon. We are food lucky.
One of my favorite local entrepreneurial spirits is Jamie Meares of Furbish Studio. It's been fantastic to see what a small business owner can accomplish. From a blog to a store that ships throughout the country, I am thankful Furbish Studio calls Raleigh home. I love a shop that is so packed with goodness, I need multiple laps to take it all in. Furbish carries White Whale of Durham if you are in need of a tasty home concoction. Other local favorites? Swoon, Moon and Lola and Thanks a Latte.

I met my husband, Hank, on the first day of class, freshman year, 8 a.m. This is our English Bulldog, Bentley. He ruvs the Tobacco Trail. The Tobacco Trail spans 23 miles. While Bentley can only last one mile of that, 23 miles is pretty darn amazing. We have multiple entrances right outside our doorsteps, and it's a major reason why I love this area so much. You can eat the best food and then walk, run or bike it out on beautiful trails. Couple great trails with awesome parks and green spaces, and we have got it going on, Triangle!
Craft brews! Any fellow Triangle-ers on Wilmington Street this evening? I love our beer scene. We're celebrating the fifth anniversary of one of our favorite watering holes, Busy Bee. We're road warriors traveling to all three points of the Triangle today - there is just too much to enjoy in our sweet little slice of heaven. Cheers to you!
Wow! I enjoyed a great dinner tonight at Stanbury Raleigh. The atmosphere was awesome - I love the open garage door concept, and it's surely a pretty night to be outdoors. I dined on lots of deliciousness and am thankful for such a fabulous restaurant. A quick trip next door to Escazu Chocolates, and I was on my merry way with creative chocolates and a jar of peanut pecan from Big Spoon Roasters based out of Durham.

Tap, tap, is this thing on? I had the best day today - two thumbs up! Thanks so much to you for following along and making it great. I love this place everyday, but I love our area even more after today. While I didn't have time to workout, I just had to pop in to let you in on what I believe to be one of the most fun workouts in the Triangle - fitness classes at Defy Gravity Durham! You're jumping in a trampoline arena, and no matter how hard it is, you feel that tinge of excitement of being a kid again, and you can't help but smile. I'm jumping for joy for having had this opportunity and can't thank our RDU Baton co-founders enough. Live it up BIG in the Triangle, y'all.
P.S. The day's souvenirs.