There is nothing like a nice, long four-day weekend filled with family and friends. I gobbled 'til I wobbled on multiple occasions! With this being Hank and my first 'married' Thanksgiving, our families united, and we enjoyed Thanksgiving together. Bentley gave Thanksgiving treats to some of his doggie pals (Did you know 'Thanksgiving Dinner' Sausage for Canines is a real thing?). Bentley attached little notes to the sausages that read, "To: Annie... I am thankful you are my friend. Woof! Hugs & Gobbles, Bentley."

On Friday we celebrated a birthday (Happy Birthday, Lisa!), and it was off to see the "Radio City Christmas Spectacular Starring The Rockettes" in fabulous birthday fashion (along with cupcakes & present opening of course). This show spread lots of Christmas cheer to all. I donned my 'taxi' gloves, holiday bow jewels & penguin purse to put myself into the holiday/NYC spirit... I LOVE to dress to a theme! We rounded out this weekend with a fun football tailgate featuring Bojangles' & then it was game time... I love some Thanksgiving!