1. How far along are you? 41 weeks. Leighton and I have been hanging out for 287 days.
2. What fruit/veggie is your baby? Pumpkin
3. Symptoms: Nada. Feeling great!!
4. Total weight gain/loss: 29 pounds
5. Sleep: All of it. As soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out. And thank goodness for that. 6. Cravings: Izze Sparkling Clementine
7. Aversions: Nada
8. Best Moment of the Week: Knowing that Leighton will be here TOMORROW. Looking back on being pregnant and just loving it and feeling so grateful / thankful / lucky for it. 9. Gender: Girl
10. Belly Button In or Out? In (but it really wants to be out!)
11. What I Miss: What I will miss... Being pregnant! And once again, time, just how darn fast those 287 days went by.
12. What I am Looking Forward to: Same as last time... Meeting Leighton!! And soaking in this sweet time with Hank and family and friends.
13. Milestones: Flying right by that due date. And being ready.
14. Exercise: Long walks catching Pokemon (seriously!).
15. Maternity clothes: Same flow-y goodness as before. I found a gem of a dress in a forgotten drawer so that was a win.
1. How far along are you? 37 Weeks. (38 weeks tomorrow!)
2. What fruit/veggie is your baby? Swiss chard... I have no idea. BUT, tomorrow the milestone sticker set we have marks 38 weeks with a pineapple.
3. Symptoms: Swollen feet and fingers. All the pee breaks in the night. Overall feeling big. People often say, oh to be pregnant in the summer, but that part, the season part, hasn't been that bad. I get to wear flowy dresses, sandals and swim outdoors in the sunshine. I'm good with that.
4. Total weight gain/loss: 25 pounds
5. Sleep: With having to sleep on your side, you're putting all the new weight on that one side. So it eventually feels like pins and needles on your right side. So you flip. And then it happens to your left side. So you flip. So just dealing with flipping like a pancake a few times in the night. 6. Cravings: All the sweets.
7. Aversions: All the vegetables. Except broccoli, I can get really excited for some broccoli.
8. Best Moment of the Week: Feeling ready because at this point it's ready or not. Having all the small to dos off the checklist. Swimming laps before work with Hank is always fun. I feel happy and accomplished and most of all - weightless. Oh, and my very Carolina shower at work was super fun, and we were gifted and loved well. 9. Gender: Girl.
10. Belly Button In or Out? In.
11. What I Miss: Fitting in a good pair of distressed jeans.
12. What I am Looking Forward to: Meeting Leighton!!
13. Milestones: Making it to 37 weeks which is full term. Yay!
14. Exercise: Swimming laps tomorrow morning with Hank. Last week I did 22 so that felt pretty great.
15. Maternity clothes: I rocked some of my best friend Kathleen's white maternity shorts over the fourth, and they were great but other than that, carrying on with all my boho flowy-ness.