Friday, February 25, 2011
I'm going to Disney World!
... That's right! It's here... Disney's Princess Half Marathon Weekend! Florida's weather is in the 80s, and tomorrow I will certainly be taking advantage by relaxing at the pool with one of my best friends. Sunday is race day, and then it's playtime! A big check off of the life accomplishment list for me if I cross the finish line after 13.1 miles. Live it up, and stay tuned for some posts from a princess ; )
Busy as a Bee
This past week has been one of the busiest of my life... There is so much going on! I still have shower decorations scattered about from last Sunday - Oye Vey! I can definitely tell the wedding is only two months away. I'm behind in a few things in life, but I hope to catch up tonight and tomorrow morning. It's funny because my friend Jen and I always think, "What will we do when there is no more wedding planning?" There will be so much free time, a new hobbie must be discovered. I've definitely learned more about time management this past week, then I've learned in a long time. I've figured out how to use every waking second to complete tasks. Instead of sleeping in late, I get up early to enjoy an hour or so before it's time for work. During lunch I've tried prying myself from my desk to sit on the floor and actually take a lunch break. I have my first wedding dress fitting this afternoon, and then it's off to Walt Disney World! Busy as a bee, but enjoying every ounce of life that I can!
My Weekly Gratitude
Thank you to...
my Mom for all she does for me... She's the world's greatest!
Hank's grandparents for sending us a little piece of history in the mail.
Everyone for an amazing shower - I laughed, I cried... It was the best!
Coton Colors Pottery for having top notch customer service.
Kat & Jen for a fun evening at Charlotte's for their bridal event.
Hank for being creative and skillful in all he does - Tag Team!
my wedding dress for arriving this week!!!!
"Weekly Gratitude is a movement started to say out loud or in writing those things that have fulfilled us, changed us, touched us or simply made us happy that week. It's a fantastic way to the end the week, and a brilliant way of constantly reminding ourselves how blessed we are, even during the toughest of weeks. It's a movement towards self reflection, thankfulness and peace. At the end of every week, take a moment to think about and write down those things or moments you are grateful for."
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
With only a little over two months until the wedding, I decided it was time to change my domain name for this blog while it was still available. I sped all of this up after I recently saw my future name is already taken by someone else on Gmail. is now You will notice currently redirects you to, but in the coming days, it will only be accessible as Please update your readers and favorites tabs accordingly (& soon)!
I will continue to carry on as normal here at, but in May 2011, I will debut the new When I'm actually a Mrs. I'll unveil the new logo, content structure and design.
Exciting times are coming for
If you have questions or comments about anything and everything, I would love to hear from you! Your question may be a great start to a discussion, or it could be perfect to answer here on the blog. Email me at
Friday, February 18, 2011
My Weekly Gratitude
Thank you to...
my body for a really nice 10 mile run.
wau wau witty for including me in her first Weekly Gratitude post.
Hank, Jen & Nick for a fun hang out night together.
my planner for reminding me to make zero plans last weekend.
a reverend at my church for reading sermon notes from an iPad : )
Hank for making Valentine's Day the best I've ever had.
Emmy & Harriet for inventing Wine & Design.
LivingSocial for making some splurges very affordable.
my wedding dress for being shipped... It's almost here!!!!
my company for giving Hank & I a pair of UNC basketball tickets.
Mrs. Lisa for a lovely italian dinner with her, Hank & Amy (my future family)!
"Weekly Gratitude is a movement started to say out loud or in writing those things that have fulfilled us, changed us, touched us or simply made us happy that week. It's a fantastic way to the end the week, and a brilliant way of constantly reminding ourselves how blessed we are, even during the toughest of weeks. It's a movement towards self reflection, thankfulness and peace. At the end of every week, take a moment to think about and write down those things or moments you are grateful for."
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Quote Boat - Motivation
"In life, just like at the airport, there are three questions that need to be asked... Who are you? Where are you going? Who is going with you?" - John O'Leary
Find the answer to these for yourself. What do I want to get out of life most? This made me think of my life plan. I don't really have one. I need one. A one year plan, five year plan, 10 year plan and so on and so forth. I know Hank and I will be thinking about this soon in our upcoming premarital counseling sessions, so it's perfect timing that I came across these questions to start brainstorming now.
Valentine's Day
I honestly cannot express in words how much I enjoyed this Valentine's Day. It was the best Valentine's Day of my life, and one of the most fun nights I've had in a long time. I love Hank, I love new experiences, and I love creativity, so this night was already set up to be a recipe for success. We started our night at Wine & Design.

I'm not sure if this concept is familiar throughout the country, but I'm certain it will be soon. It's a brilliant idea started by two women. You don't have to have any creative talents, but you will leave their studio, after just two hours, with a masterpiece. You bring your own wine, your own snacks, and they provide the cups, the corkscrew and a fun experience with instruction.
As soon as we checked in, they gave us tiny bags of candy hearts. There were many couples there, but the experience still felt intimate. Since it was Valentine's Day they provided free champagne and miniature desserts. The best part is they have everything set up for you. You just sit in front of your easel with canvas, you have all your paints already on a plate, your brushes are set up, and you have water in a vase.
The event we were specifically there for was Valentine's Day Date Night, where each couple would be painting each other in the style of Picasso. I love the suspense of not knowing how you will turn out until the reveal at the end.
They had a playlist of all love songs, and they gave great instructions. It was so laid back and easy. Their second rule was, "2. Don't accidentally stick your brush in your wine." We started with a simple sketch, and then they instructed on ideas for face shape, eyes, nose, mouth, hair, background quadrants, etc. Here is what we came up with:
I love how they turned out, and it is such a unique way to make your own art for your home.
They gave each lady a rose, which I thought was a nice final touch.
This was so, so fun.
Then it was off to a new to us sushi place downtown, Sono. Delicious!
The night ended being one of my favorites! Here's my VDay display:
Thank you to Hank for going the extra mile to make this day perfect. I felt so special all day, and I'm undeniably thankful for this.
Quote Boat - Reflection
Date Nights are Basketball Nights
Ever since NYC, I've been craving tapas (a wide variety of appetizers). One of the closest restaurants to the arena in Charlotte was Cosmos Cafe which just so happened to be having buy one get one tapas. It was raining, closest restaurant and a great deal... Perfect.

We were in the Queen City to see the Charlotte Bobcats take on the Miami Heat.
We chose this game in particular to see Lebron James.
Neither of us had been to an NBA game since we were little, so this was super fun for both of us. Then this week it was me, Hank, Subway & the Tar Heels... Always a favorite!!
Date nights are great nights ; )
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
My Grammy Moment
My favorite Grammy moment was how Usher and Justin Bieber started out their performance:
Bieber: Yeah
Usher: No... They didn't really tell the story exactly the way it happened. I saw you in a parking lot, and you did not sing for me the first time, but I did tell you something, and what was that?
Bieber: You told me... If it was meant to be, we would meet again.
Usher: That's right, and now it's your time. Let's go.
I love that Usher said that to Bieber then. It is very true... If it's meant to be, it will be.
One of my other favorite parts of this performance is when the cameras pan to Jaden Smith's parents, Will and Jada Pinkett Smith, they were so excited for him & knew the words he was rapping... Great parents! Tons of energy coming out of this whole performance.
... Featuring Norah Jones
Talib Kweli featuring Norah Jones, Soon the New Day
My favorite song on this CD.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Double Digits
10 Miles... I did it!

The CAMELBACK made some great assists in reaching this goal! Only a few short runs and one 11/12 mile run away from Disney's Princess Half Marathon Weekend. Hey, Mickey!
Friday, February 11, 2011
My Weekly Gratitude
Thank you to...
Garmin for making it too easy to navigate less traveled places.
Hank for a great time at the Charlotte Bobcats v Miami Heat game.
Hank's grandparents for having us - great food and even better company.
my Dad for being Mr. Can Fix Anything.
my Mom for sending me home with some delicious meals for the week.
my body for running on Sunday with no setbacks!
the world of event gigs for fun jobs to do on the side.
Super Bowl Sunday for being all the 4Fs it is - friends, food, fun & football.
Kristyn for a fun lunch this week.
Elle for treating me to a Bachelorette Fiesta Dinner.
LaHa for putting umbrellas and fruits in our margaritas!
Hallie for a GREAT meeting in regards to reception plans - She made me so happy!
Disney for having wonderful pre-trip customer service. They think of everything.
my friends for all they do for me.
"Weekly Gratitude is a movement started to say out loud or in writing those things that have fulfilled us, changed us, touched us or simply made us happy that week. It's a fantastic way to the end the week, and a brilliant way of constantly reminding ourselves how blessed we are, even during the toughest of weeks. It's a movement towards self reflection, thankfulness and peace. At the end of every week, take a moment to think about and write down those things or moments you are grateful for."
Safety First
I go on long runs, and I go on runs in the dark, so I thought it was time to purchase two essential safety items for myself.

1. Nathan Reflective Belt I remember running on the side of the road, on a sidewalk, in a not so well lit area and thinking (a) no one can see me, and (b) no one knows who I am. While some of my running clothes have nice built in zipper pockets, others do not. I purchased this belt for on my shorter runs at night. It is not only reflective, but it also has a handy pocket for carrying identification and bringing along a cell phone for emergencies.

2. CAMELBAK Mini-M.U.L.E After my last bout with dehydration, I intend on remaining fully hydrated during my long runs. My long runs are during the daylight hours, so I don't need reflection, but I still need a pocket for my identification and cell phone. This CAMELBACK will not only keep my hydrated, but it also includes pockets! Steal of the Night: All of the CAMELBACKS were placed on the wrong rack, so I got this one for half price!
*I will add a review on each of these after the weekend!
Optical Confusion Print

Get your pretty Lilly Pulitzer desktop background for your computer here. Once there, drag or right-click and save the image to your desktop, then update it in your background settings. Spring is on its way!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Shining Star
I am so, so excited... Ever since watching the movie, A Walk to Remember, I have always wanted to name a star! When I looked up the International Star Registry many years ago, I saw it was $65+ to do so, and that seemed like way too much to me. I'm no cynic, perhaps a bit skeptical, but this is something I've always had on my bucket list to do regardless. Today LivingSocial is offering this for $20, and I couldn't say no... To me, that's a steal! I can't wait to use my deal to name a star for Hank & I. You can name one too - Take advantage here:
Star light Star bright
The first star I see tonight
I wish I may, I wish I might
Have the wish I wish tonight.
Band of Boys - Big Time Rush
I agree - They're going to be huge. I heard them talking on the radio, and they have some good personalities, heart and a head on their shoulders. Carlos is my favorite ; )
Boyfriend Featuring Snoop Dogg
UNC v Duke
The greatest college basketball rivalry! I remember the game starting like this last night, and that's all that really matters...

On a related note, I shop at the best Hallmark in the country. This was their display yesterday:

I can't even make this up! One Duke cheerleader was taped to the wall with tape on her mouth along with a big 'X' on it, and the other was hanging upside down from the ceiling!! Amazing.
ECON 101
One of my most dreaded college courses was economics. Even by the end of the semester it still was not my favorite, but I went on to take applied microeconomics as well to prove to myself that I could manage the beast, to me, that is ECON.
One of the best lessons I learned in economics, that I still carry with me today, and I really use in my everyday decision making, is opportunity cost.
Opportunity Cost - First developed by John Stuart Mill. It is the cost related to the next-best choice available. It's also known as the value of the best available alternative. You have to give up something. What you give up is your opportunity cost.
An example: Often times it seems easy to pay for parking on campus. Then I think, if I pay for parking on campus, I just gave up treating myself to a lunch with someone. I always think, if I buy this, what am I giving up that I now wont let myself buy in the future? You have to think beyond the moment you are in. Is what you want in that instant really worth the best thing that has yet to come along?
If you are impulsive, and you start to think like this, you will be impulsive no more!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
My Weekly Gratitude
Thank you to...
Kathleen and Brad for coming to visit.
Kathleen for gifting me with the cutest polka dot Tar Heel wine glass.
UNC for beating NC State.
Hank for introducing me to - the best values on flights.
Disney Resort Hotels for offering complimentary airport transportation.
Jen and Cara for wonderful dinners with even better conversations.
Laura for always being the hostess with the mostess.
my work for allowing me to have a pizza and jeans kind of day.
Blogger for making it easy to fall in love with blogging this past year.
"Weekly Gratitude is a movement started to say out loud or in writing those things that have fulfilled us, changed us, touched us or simply made us happy that week. It's a fantastic way to the end the week, and a brilliant way of constantly reminding ourselves how blessed we are, even during the toughest of weeks. It's a movement towards self reflection, thankfulness and peace. At the end of every week, take a moment to think about and write down those things or moments you are grateful for."
Love Day Treat Bag Topper Printables
... From one of my favorites, Coton Colors. Such a cute & easy idea here:
The Purse Game
I forgot how fun and easy this game is! It's perfect as an icebreaker when you're with a group of ladies.
What You Need -
A Group of Ladies
Their Purses (or wallet if that's all they have)
A Game Host
Drawing Tickets
A Prize
You ask all of the ladies to grab their purses. I've played before where someone calls out objects, such as money, but last night I played where a letter was called out instead, and you have to come up with something in your purse that starts with the letter. I like this version much better - it gets you thinking! The first person to find something in their purse with that letter gets a ticket. I won one on "G"... Gift Card! You can play however many rounds you like, I would say five or so would be the perfect amount. Each person who finds an object first gets a ticket. Perhaps you have that person write their name on a tiny piece of paper and have them fold it up, then collect all tickets at the end. Then you shake the tickets up and draw a winner for the prize! Too easy & so fun.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
A Valentine Treat
I don't ever remember not loving Valentine's Day. It's one of my favorites. I love LOVE, a heart is my favorite shape, and my favorite color is pink. I like to start celebrating once February hits, so I went to Krispy Kreme to pick up some valentines to share. I never knew just how creative and doughnut innovative Krispy Kreme truly is. They have so many shapes & right now it's doughnut hearts of course.

Their current Valentine's Day promotion is wonderful. Buy one dozen doughnuts and you receive 12 valentines.

The valentines include 12 coupons for either one free doughnut or one free small hot chocolate or hot coffee. What a fun way to surprise your office! Give them a sweet treat to enjoy now and a valentine with a coupon for them to enjoy later too... It's win-win.

Their current Valentine's Day promotion is wonderful. Buy one dozen doughnuts and you receive 12 valentines.

The valentines include 12 coupons for either one free doughnut or one free small hot chocolate or hot coffee. What a fun way to surprise your office! Give them a sweet treat to enjoy now and a valentine with a coupon for them to enjoy later too... It's win-win.
The Supper Club
I live in one of the foodiest areas. I'm taking advantage of this by experiencing, enjoying and starting at the beginning.

We're starting with letter 'A' and dining at restaurants that take us to 'Z'. There's no time limit, we'll just pick up where we last left off. The goal is to be pulled out of the restaurant comfort zone, and try new places and dishes. Anyone can join along at any letter.

We started 'A' at Artichoke Basil in Chapel Hill, NC. Their pizza is unique because you can order it with an artichoke based sauce rather than marinara. My salad was really great! I've been into Greek salads lately. This Mediterranean Salad had romaine lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, Kalamata olives, bell peppers, parsley, feta cheese & olive oil and vinegar dressing. This would be super easy to make and enjoy at home! The owner was really nice and treated me to a free drink & Cara to a free slice of artichoke pizza. I think he got a kick out of me asking for the artichoke pizza & add artichokes... What can I say? I really do love artichokes!

We're starting with letter 'A' and dining at restaurants that take us to 'Z'. There's no time limit, we'll just pick up where we last left off. The goal is to be pulled out of the restaurant comfort zone, and try new places and dishes. Anyone can join along at any letter.

We started 'A' at Artichoke Basil in Chapel Hill, NC. Their pizza is unique because you can order it with an artichoke based sauce rather than marinara. My salad was really great! I've been into Greek salads lately. This Mediterranean Salad had romaine lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, Kalamata olives, bell peppers, parsley, feta cheese & olive oil and vinegar dressing. This would be super easy to make and enjoy at home! The owner was really nice and treated me to a free drink & Cara to a free slice of artichoke pizza. I think he got a kick out of me asking for the artichoke pizza & add artichokes... What can I say? I really do love artichokes!
Happy 1st Birthday
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
This restaurant was great. Then it closed. Now it's open again, and it is as tasty as ever.

Rockford is a hidden gem tucked away in Downtown Raleigh. I would classify it as one of Raleigh's best kept secrets. An unsuspecting person would breeze right by its doorway, not knowing they just missed out on a would be favorite. That's what I love about Rockford. The simplicity of it. The idea that not everyone knows about it. It's the restaurant that is just waiting to be discovered by that tourist. I'm that tourist, and perhaps you are too... The tourist who wants to know the places only the most local of locals choose.

Once you open the door from the street, you climb up a flight of stairs that lands you right in the heart of Rockford. There is a bar to your right, the host in front of you, and the perfect amount of seating to your left. The amount of seating that is just enough to make you feel as though you are in an intimate setting amongst close friends. When I go to Rockford, I go knowing I want to have an unhurried dinner. To me, Rockford is not somewhere you go for a quick bite, it's where you go to have great conversations with friends.

The menu heavily boasts sandwiches with unique seasonal sides. You'll spend a little over $10, and each bite will be well worth it. I ordered the special, Briezy Like Sunday Morning. It was warm turkey, melted brie, an apple butter spread, lettuce and tomato on toasted pumpernickel. I chose the pimento cheese mashed potatoes as my side. The pickle rounded this meal out - the power of three. It was a sandwich to be savored. It was every bit as delicious as I remember their sandwiches being. I'm already looking forward to picking my next Rockford delight.

Rockford is a hidden gem tucked away in Downtown Raleigh. I would classify it as one of Raleigh's best kept secrets. An unsuspecting person would breeze right by its doorway, not knowing they just missed out on a would be favorite. That's what I love about Rockford. The simplicity of it. The idea that not everyone knows about it. It's the restaurant that is just waiting to be discovered by that tourist. I'm that tourist, and perhaps you are too... The tourist who wants to know the places only the most local of locals choose.

Once you open the door from the street, you climb up a flight of stairs that lands you right in the heart of Rockford. There is a bar to your right, the host in front of you, and the perfect amount of seating to your left. The amount of seating that is just enough to make you feel as though you are in an intimate setting amongst close friends. When I go to Rockford, I go knowing I want to have an unhurried dinner. To me, Rockford is not somewhere you go for a quick bite, it's where you go to have great conversations with friends.

The menu heavily boasts sandwiches with unique seasonal sides. You'll spend a little over $10, and each bite will be well worth it. I ordered the special, Briezy Like Sunday Morning. It was warm turkey, melted brie, an apple butter spread, lettuce and tomato on toasted pumpernickel. I chose the pimento cheese mashed potatoes as my side. The pickle rounded this meal out - the power of three. It was a sandwich to be savored. It was every bit as delicious as I remember their sandwiches being. I'm already looking forward to picking my next Rockford delight.
Olive Outifts
High Gloss
Currently perusing a new publication, High Gloss. It has lots of color and even more fun & uniqueness throughout. Read their premiere issue (it's free) here -
A great feature on Raleigh's own Jamie, of Furbish Studio, starts on page 56. Starting on page 82 makes me really want to host a Valentine's get-together! Enjoy exploring too.

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